Tonight's show was one of the very best episodes of Raw in over a year. There were a shitload of good matches and the epic return of The Undertaker. Check after the jump for some of my thoughts on the episode and to find out which parts you should watch if you have yet to see it!
*NOTE: All WWE related photos courtesy of WWE.com
- CM Punk and Daniel Bryan's back and forth in the opening segment was very well done. Bryan proved tonight that Punk isn't the only one capable of dropping 'pipe bombs', offering more than a few clever lines at the WWE Champion.
- The Raw Elimination Chamber match looks extremely promising.

- While I'm glad Sheamus has gotten a renewed push, I can't help being a little annoyed with his new persona as a top babyface. For me, he is just a better fit as a heel. Still, he has major potential to become a crossover star for the company.
- The Orton-Ziggler match was very good. The crowd was completely into this one and that speaks volumes of the WWE's excellent job at grooming Ziggler to become a main attraction. He is a performer capable of carrying almost anyone to a near 5 star match and he should be presented this way. Dolph also has a much more commanding and confident presence, as he truly seems to be believing in himself and he knows he is a top notch superstar. With that being said, I was a bit let down at the fact he was beaten so cleanly tonight.
Match Rating: 3.75/5
- My hats off to Brodus Clay for getting his character over so well, but they need to find an interesting storyline for him because having him come out each week and squash jobbers is getting a bit stale.
- I wonder if anyone noticed Daniel Bryan and CM Punk doing the "Code of Honor" handshake prior to their Champion vs. Champion match...

Cool idea aside, this match was easily the best of the night. Even though TNA says that wrestling matters, I don't see any matches on Impact worthy of the performance given by these two here. There was so much awesomeness in this contest that it's pointless trying to explain it, I hope you managed to see this for yourself! Smart booking by the WWE to have Jericho interfere and attack Punk, setting in motion what will probably go down as the feud of the year. Neither champion looked weak as a result and I can't wait to see where this epic feud is going to go.

Match Rating: 4/5
- There was a surprisingly good match between Kofi Kingston and The Miz. Some fast paced action ending with Kofi picking up a much needed victory. Hopefully Kofi continues to capitalize on the big momentum he gained with his MVP performance in the Royal Rumble last night.
Match Rating: 3/5
- I love Beth Phoenix's new attitude. She is finally being presented like the dominant diva she really is. A division-saving feud with Kharma is calling.....
- Cool moment with John Cena running out to save Eve from being attacked by Kane. More heel turn teasing done by Cena tonight and the crowd ate it up. It appears as if the writers have the big payoff planned for the Elimination Chamber PPV.

- The Laurinaitis/Triple H segment was very entertaining. I loved the quick tease of the GM being inducted into the 'Kiss My Ass Club', but I was beginning to feel as if this was going to be an anti climatic ending to a great show. That is until we finally got the return of THE UNDERTAKER!!!! I marked out for this moment almost as much as I did last year. No other act in any form of entertainment has become as legendary and iconic as Taker has become in the WWE. He is a special attraction at this point and his mere presence is an event all in its own. Cool ending with Triple H moving on and seemingly hanging up the boots, then patting Undertaker on the shoulder as if he feels bad for the deadman because he can not. Here you have this legendary warrior that after decades of battle, just can't die. The Undertaker was visibly emotional and he almost feels like a ghost looking to move on to the next life, yearning for the one superstar able to end the streak and free him. It was just fucking brilliant, and they again told a memorable story without the use of words.

Final thoughts: A great episode of Raw with lots of great action and a memorable ending.
Overall episode rating: 9.0
What to watch if you DVR'd the episode: There really is not anything negative about this episode. I would recommend watching the entire show from beginning to end.
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