This week's show was pretty good and the finish delivered one of the biggest shockers in the history of Smackdown. Find out what it was and which segments from the show are worth your viewing after the jump!

- We begin the show with Randy Orton looking pretty pissed. Teddy Long has informed him that he will no longer be competing in the Elimination Chamber this Sunday, thus losing his opportunity at the World Championship. The worst part is, this match will probably suck donkey nuts now that The Viper has been taking out of the equation. Ah well, at least they have to have found a suitable replacement right?............RIGHT!? I mean they wouldn't make a an ass out of us all by insulting our intelligence and assuming that because we cheer someone, that it automatically means we would accept them as a credible championship contender......RIGHT......ANSWER MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
- Gotta say at first I was happy they kept my little dream team (Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett) going, until I realized they would be fighting the two largest superstars in the WWE. I then knew that they had no shot at winning this match. I mean, if this is just some sick joke and there is a bigger goal at hand, then I don't mind at all. Then again, there is NEVER much planning going on with ANYTHING involving this guy.....

Duhhhh......................pretty blue ropes........
- The Big Show's tantrum inside Teddy's office was great. Mark Henry made fun of The Big Show for drooling a lot and breathing very heavy. Having realized Henry exposed 50 % of his gimmick, he leveled him with a WMD.

My reaction...

DAAAAMMMMNNN! You got knocked the FUCK OUT!
Note to self, never mess with an insecure giant! He then destroyed Teddy Long's office like a big baby angrily demanding he gets what he wants. Fuck, I would have HATED to be one of his parents, when their 10 year old, six foot seven son realized they were fresh out of chocolate chip cookies.

- Back from commercial, we get another entertaining segment, with Teddydore telling security that they have to detain The Big Show. The black security guard reacts EXACTLY how any person who actually ENJOYED breathing would....

Man, FUCK THAT SHIT, I outta smack that shiny spot off your head just for asking
- Hunico finally got a well deserved victory over Ted Dibiase. On top of that, the match was pretty damn good. Hey, maybe Hunico will carry this new found momentum into the elimination chamber match....I mean....they're going to pick someone good for Orton's spot....right.....RIGHT!?
We also find out tonight, that Randy Orton has been escorted from the arena. With everything that's been happening to him as of late, I bet The Viper is ready to go all "IED" back at his hotel room...

That's it Randy, work those pressure points.....WOOOOSAAAAHHHH
- Primo and Epico continue their dominant Tag Team Championship reign by defeating The Usos in an great, fast paced match. The division has still not fully recovered its legendary credibility, but it has made massive strides over the past couple of months. I was pretty amazed at how much the crowd was into this one. I think all the WWE Universe wanted was a tag team division with, oh I don't know...ACTUAL tag teams! All jokes aside, kudos to the WWE for having faith and kudos to all the men involved for a very good match.
Oh and kudos to Rosa Mendes for existing....

Dos, the exact number of underpants I went through while watching this match.....
Match rating: 3.25/5
- Daniel Bryan cut another great promo tonight. Every time he picks up a microphone, I become more and more a fan of his new attitude. I hope he retains this Sunday at the Elimination Chamber PPV, but it does not look likely. Either way, he has done a masterful job as champion and has proven himself to all of his critics (if he even had any to begin with). On a side note, man did Lillian look hot tonight or what?
- After his stellar promo, Teddy Long has ordered an impromptu match between the champ and Sheamus. This match was good, to no one's surprise. Daniel Bryan and Sheamus showed tonight that if the champion were to retain this Sunday, they could deliver a very solid match and if given the opportunity at Wrestlemania, potentially steal the show. Bryan wins again by angering Sheamus and earning another sneaky DQ victory.
- After being confronted by Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett in his office, Teddy Long announces that there will be a battle royal to determine who will take Randy's place in the chamber. GREAT! This should be good! I mean, they're definitely going to have a good choice to win here right?......OK by now, you see where I'm going with this.....
- Jinder Mahal has a match tonight with Ezekiel Jackson. The look on my face upon realizing this, was about the same as Mahal's during his entrance tonight

I know Jinder, I'm not happy to see you either
Mahal picks up the win via. Camel Clutch in a rather boring match.
Match Rating: 1.75/5
- Tamina Snuka and Alicia Fox defeat The Divas of Doom in another decent match. Tamina earns the victory for her team by hitting Natalya with the Superfly Splash. Great win for Tamina, who now has a ton of momentum heading into her title match at the PPV. Being able to intimidate Divas Champion Beth Phoenix post match, also bolstered her confidence. Still, the smart money is on Phoenix to retain and head into Wrestlemania 28 as champion.
- John Laurainitis has earned his protege David Otunga a spot in the battle royal tonight. Hey, that's fine. We all know they wouldn't let someone as silly as Otunga win a spot in the Main Event of a PPV rig-- ....oh, nevermind.
- The Main Event was pretty entertaining as far as battle royals go. I really enjoyed the any man for himself atmosphere and the superstars...........OK......enough of this journalism 101 shit.....let's get straight to the point here. FUCKING SANTINO MARELLA?! There......let those words sink into your head for a moment.....they are going to be there for a while. C'mon....is the WWE trying to establish a new trend of letting the last person everyone wanted to win a battle royal come out the victor!? Sigh......I have no words for this shit....
Oh....and remember what I said earlier about the WWE not making an ass out of us all by insulting our intelligence?
That was before this happened...

As Santino shit himself here, the live audience erupted in cheers!
My reaction....
Final thoughts:

Overall episode rating: 7.5
What to watch if you DVR'd the episode: The Daniel Bryan promo, his match afterward and the tag match deliver the best entertainment of the night. Oh, and be sure to watch the Main Event simply so this isn't your reaction when you see Santino Marrella in the Smackdown chamber this Sunday....

Thanks for reading.....see you all on Sunday!
Some real shit bro this should be interesting.
ReplyDeleteLOL!!!!!!! very funny...can't wait for the chamber review!
ReplyDeleteThx for the comments peeps, I had a lot of fun writing this article.
LMFAO funny shit :D Kewl review!