This week's live edition of Smackdown was pretty disappointing. Thank goodness for guys like Daniel Bryan and CM Punk! When they first clashed on Monday Night Raw a few weeks ago, I thought that they turned in a very good performance. It was so good, I chose it as the best match of the month! So when they announced another Champion vs. Champion match between the two tonight, I figured it would be good, but probably not better than the last one. Boy was I wrong! Find out how these two great champions saved an otherwise lackluster show after the jump!

Vegan Parade...YES! YES! YES!
- We opened the show with the walking ball of awesome known as Daniel Bryan. He continues his streak of brilliant promos here tonight and proves yet again that he is the blue brand's most compelling superstar. In the absence of Randy Orton, I almost shit myself in fear that we would no longer have a reason to watch this show. Have no fear! You're vegan superchampion is here!

Oh, and he's brought AJ with him, and she's brought her amazing ass with her...
The Miz also comes out to try and persuade Daniel to form a tag team with him. Really!? REALLY!? This from a guy who said I would amount to nothing and had no charisma!? REALLY!? Sorry Miz, I'd let you ride my coattails, but they can't carry the weight of your massive ego. Sheamus also joins the fray, hoping to get his hands on two off the WWE's biggest arses....minus AJ Lee's of course. Thus we have our first impromptu match of the night, ending after Sheamus hits Miz with the Celtic Cross.
Match Rating: 2.75/5
- Kofi Kingston and R Truth's new alliance hits a speed bump this week after the picked up a loss to Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler. Pretty shitty that they can manage to upset the tag champs, but can't manage to beat a team that barely holds itself together.

A pink shirt isn't the only thing Dolph has been carrying lately....
- Santino Marella's "spitting cobra" segment made me chuckle, but a chuckle is not worth the waste of time that the segment as a whole was. It seems they are going to keep his Rocky spoofs going, which I don't mind. As long as they don't lead to anything more.
- Drew McIntyre is officially in the dog house. He continues his "MVP-like" losing streak this week, getting destroyed by The Great Khali. They might as well cut off his nuts and hang them from the Gorilla position backstage, warning other superstars that this could also happen to them.
- Cody Rhode's offers us a great promo, to go along with his hilarious video package on The Big Show

That goofy look on Show's face, is embarrassing enough
I hardly even remembered The Big Show's match with Akebono at Wrestlemania 21. That's pretty bad, considering I still have it on DVD. I have a feeling that there will be much more where this came from, in the coming weeks. As long as we NEVER again have to see The Big Show's ass....it's fine by me.
- David Otunga earns another victory over Ezekiel Jackson in another stiff and uncomfortable match. Glad Otunga won here but I didn't really care much about the action itself..
- With over 20 minutes left to go, we get a great promo from CM Punk, leading us into our MAIN EVENT

WWE Champion CM Punk vs. World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan
This match tore the house down! I can't put into words just how fucking incredible it was! It far exceeded my expectations going in and IMO, it's the best match of 2012 so far. Both men showed exactly why they are widely considered the two best wrestlers in the world right now. There was some great, innovative submission style offense from Daniel Bryan and some very exciting maneuvers from CM Punk. One particular highlight was Punk's sick suicide dive into a tiger knee, hitting Daniel square in the jaw at ringside

I can go on and on about how amazing this match really was, but I hope you were smart enough to DVR it if you haven't seen it already. After lots of great action, and two re starts, both men pin each other simultaneously to end this classic in a draw.
Match Rating: 4.25/5
Post match, we have some pretty hilarious back and forth between John Laurinitis and Teddy Long. It seems as if their paths are going to cross at Wrestlemania this year. Perhaps with each man selecting a superstar to fight for their respective GM's right to become the primary man in charge. If this is where they are going with this, then count me in. The card is so stacked with the four main events alone, that such a match would be a welcome edition and could provide some of the best moments of the night.
Final thoughts: A pretty boring episode overall, but the main event makes it worth seeing alone. Funny how the worst piece of WWE television so far this year, provided us with arguably, the year's best contest.
Overall episode rating: 5.0 (terrible)
What to watch if you DVR'd the show: The main event. Hell you should watch it four times before you bother with anything else here.
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