Strap in your seatbelts ladies and marks, we're in for a hell of a ride come April 1st! Out of the four Main Events that will take place at Wrestlemania 28, this one promises to deliver the best in-ring action of the night. As soon as CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho was announced, my mouth began to water, as two of my all time favorites are now set to clash in a match that could possibly steal the show. Today in the third of my Wrestlemania XXVIII preview series, I will take a look at the factors that will make this WWE Championship match one to remember.
So who REALLY is the Best In The World?
Find out after the jump!

Hometown: Chicago, IL
Age: 33
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 218 lb
Finishing Move: The GTS (Go To Sleep), The Anaconda Vise, Roundhouse Kick
Accomplishments: 6x World Champion (3 World Heavyweight, 2 WWE, 1 ECW), Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, First ever back-to-back Money In The Bank winner, 6x Slammy Award winner, Ninteenth Triple Crown Champion, 1 Wrestlemania Main Event
Wrestlemania Record: 2-3
Hometown: Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada
Age: 41
Height: 6'
Weight: 226 lb
Finishing Move: The Walls of Jericho, The Codebreaker, The Lionsault
Accomplishments: 6x World Champion (5 World Heavyweight, 1 WWE), First ever Undisputed Champion, 7x Tag Team Champion, 9x Intercontinental Champion (record), European Champion, Hardcore Champion, 2x Slammy Award winner, Ninth Triple Crown Champion, 3 Wrestlemania Main Events
Wrestlemania Record: 4-6
My Take: If you were to argue based on accomplishments alone, Chris Jericho is one of the most successful wrestlers of all time. He edges Punk out in main event experience as well. However, one must note that CM Punk has won just as many World titles as Jericho, all while having been in the WWE about half the amount of time.
With two amazing athletes like Jericho and Punk, battling it out for the richest prize in pro wrestling, one can only assume that they will give everything they have to earn the right to say they are the true "best in the world". This match is easily the biggest match of the year in both men's eyes, but who has the advantage going in? Let's take a look using our 10 ESSENTIAL categories:
Fan Base
Chris Jericho prides himself on being one of the most hated men in the history of the business. Though he may not want to admit it, he also has earned a sizable cult following through his consistent brilliance over the years. On the flip side, CM Punk is the single most popular and captivating superstar on the WWE roster right now.
Advantage: Punk
Match Strategy
When Punk wants to, he can be one of the most manipulative superstars in the game. He is a master at psyching out his opponents and breaking their concentration. His knack for hitting the right nerve through scathing promos, also give him massive amounts of leverage. Chris Jericho is, arguably, the greatest mastermind pro wrestling has ever seen. If you've seen his classic matches with Rey Mysterio in 2009, then you can't deny his ability to scout his opponents.
Advantage: Jericho
Both men have humongous egos, and both have been finding it more and more difficult to stay focused with each other on their minds. Both men also have a history of picking up losses due to lack of concentration, over-anxiousness and frustration.
Advantage: Neither
Ring Presence
Chris Jericho is a bona fide legend at this point. He has done it all in this business and his confidence is unmatched. CM Punk has finally embraced the love he's earned from the WWE Universe. Lately he appears....dare I say it....happy. He believes in himself now more than ever and he doesn't see any competitor on the WWE roster, as being a legitimate threat to his WWE Championship.
Advantage: Neither
When Jericho returned to the WWE in January, he had the entire wrestling world in the palm of his hand. Since then, he has picked up multiple impressive victories over every other top contender for Punk's WWE Championship. CM Punk has been the best thing to happen to the title (hell, maybe even the company as a whole) in a long time. In the Summer of 2011, he set the world on fire with his unpredictable feud against the company itself. He emerged from this war a champion and has continued to ride the wave to higher and higher levels of success.
Advantage: Punk
CM Punk is a cardiovascular machine. He was well-known for wrestling over an hour on multiple occasions even before his arrival in the WWE. Jericho has been touring with his band and pursuing other interests. And while it's admirable that he appears to be in great ring shape and almost has entirely no ring rust, it's Punk that has been on the road and who consistently turned in some of the WWE's best matches in Jericho's absence.
Advantage: Punk
Jericho has competed in some brutal matches in his time, but not too many as of late. He prefers to settle his issues on the mat, earning victories through superior in-ring ability. Punk has an unbelievable tolerance for pain. He was heavily involved in backyard wrestling in his early career and has had some brutal matches with Raven during his time in ROH. Recently, he has waged some memorable wars against Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena and Alberto Del Rio. Taking some of the WWE's toughest superstars to their limit, and living to tell the story.
Advantage: Punk
Both men claim that they are the best wrestler in the world today. Both are so good, that for fans, it's more a matter of personal preference, than fact or fiction. Still, with the ultimate bragging rights (and Punk's WWE Championship) on the line, I don't think there is any other match in their careers, that either man has wanted to win more.
Advantage: Neither
CM Punk is a unique competitor. He has pioneered his own style and can't really be compared to anyone else in WWE history. He blends mixed martial arts style submissions with his solid aerial attack and very dangerous striking ability. Overall, he is the most diverse competitor in the WWE right now. Jericho however, is the last of a dying breed. He has traveled all over the world, picking up so many different tricks along the way. His moveset is so vast, that he probably forgot more moves then most superstars will ever learn. He also seemingly can counter any move into his highly effective Walls of Jericho or Codebreaker finishes.
Advantage: Jericho
Quality of Competition
John Cena, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy and many others, have all fallen victim to CM Punk. That being said, it's hard to argue with the who's who of WWE legends Chris Jericho has beaten in his storied career. The Big Show, Edge, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Triple H, The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin, are all notable legends whom Punk has yet to earn a definitive victory over.
Advantage: Jericho
Final Thoughts
While it's well documented on this blog that Chris Jericho is my second favorite wrestler ever. I don't see him walking out of the Sun Life Stadium with the WWE Championship around his waist come April 1st. I expect CM Punk to go over on Jericho and cement his legacy and claim to being the best wrestler in the world today. He will have his work cut out for him no doubt about it, but I believe that he can get the job done.
Overall Advantage: CM Punk
:O I live these two! So you can imagine how stoked I am for this match. You made some great points...:D
ReplyDeleteThanks, as far as pure wrestling goes, this should be the best match of the night!
ReplyDeleteBret Hart is gonna be so happy. The end of a era indeed.
ReplyDeleteLOL yeah I cant wait for this one