Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Late Five Star Match From 2012: Kana vs. Ayako Hamada

Joshi standouts Kana & Ayako Hamada competed in what is now one of my favorite matches ever at Shimmer Vol. 50.

If you haven't seen any Shimmer event yet, Vol. 50 would not be a bad place to start.  These women always do their damnedest to put out the best wrestling product in the world and this show was no different.  Highlighted by a dream match that saw one of my favourite wrestlers in the world today Kana, square off against a woman I don't hold very far behind, Ayako Hamada.  I have been waiting to get my hands on this match since I got wind of it last year and unfortunately, was not able to view it until recently.  These two had an absolutely flawless match that culminated with an ending that damn near brought me to tears.  Please do your best to seek this one out.  It's one of the best matches I have ever seen.  I do not exaggerate.  The only negative about this match for me is that I could not have seen it live.  If I had, it damn well would have been in the running for MOTY.  I was able to add it to the ongoing Top 25 thread though.  And it also received a perfect score from me.  I do not hand out five star ratings easily, but this is one I feel, is very well deserved.  Words can not express how important this match is for the promotion and for the women of wrestling around the world.  It was physical, emotional and borderline transcendent.

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