Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Great Debate: Tough Superstars Are An Endangered Species In The WWE

Ryback: Separating The Boys From The Men

Welcome to the latest installment in our GREAT DEBATE series.  Last night on WWE Main Event, Ryback squared off with Dolph Ziggler and proceeded to beat him senseless.  Afterwards, Michael Cole and The Miz conducted an interview with Paul Heyman via. satellite and Heyman made an interesting point.  Heyman suggested that Ziggler's name should not be mentioned in the same breathe as CM Punk's because Ziggler ran like a coward and did not take his beating like a man.  While some may argue that Punk has run from Ryback before, it's not Heyman's words that struck me, it's the realization that there are very few superstars on the current roster that have any credibility in the toughness category.

In another recent interview to promote the WWE 13 video game, Stone Cold Steve Austin suggested that CM Punk and John Cena are the ONLY two current superstars that could survive in the Attitude Era atmosphere.  Again, he was in character, but one has to wonder if he really feels this way.  I for one, am a fan from that era and I don't ever remember even the "cocky" heels running away from a fight.  Ever.  Take someone like Billy Gunn (a wrestler whom Ziggler is often compared to).  Gunn, for all of his flamboyancy and sexual innuendo, was never known to cower at the sight of even the most intimidating of men in the locker room.  Could you even picture it?

I'm not attempting to bury Ziggler, I'm just stating the obvious.  As a fan, it's frustrating to realize that what Steve Austin said may very well be true.  In my opinion, indie promotions like Ring Of Honor have become the new proving ground for toughness in North America.  The wrestlers there, good or bad, compete in highly physical matches and earn credibility just from being in the company alone.  You want proof?  Let's do a roll call of the "toughest" superstars on the current WWE roster:

NOTE: Since Triple H, Brock Lesnar, The Rock and The Undertaker are all part time superstars, I neglected to include them.

John Cena
Randy Orton
CM Punk
Daniel Bryan
Wade Barrett
Kassius Ohno
Antonio Cesaro
Big Show
Mark Henry
Dean Ambrose
Alberto Del Rio
Rey Mysterio

Ok, now let's take away the superstars that have been around before 2008 (when the PG Era began):

Daniel Bryan
Wade Barrett
Kassius Ohno
Antonio Cesaro
Dean Ambrose
Alberto Del Rio

Of those 8 talents, four of them made their names on the indies in brutal and highly physical matches before arriving in WWE. So that leaves only four talents that came through the WWE system that have a REPUTATION for toughness.  That's not a pretty sight.  The only reason I don't really mind it is because there are alternatives if you want to see more physicality.  And the WWE is aiming their product for a younger audience so one could understand the lack of blood in their program, but does that really mean you have to be a coward?  Cowardly heels are great and all, but how are we supposed to take Dolph Ziggler serious as world champion when he spent the last three years getting damn near launched through our TV screen and then running away?  I'm not saying Ziggler, The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Tyson Kidd and guys like that aren't great at what they do because they are.  This is more an argument for allowing them to prove their toughness to the audience and build them some credibility. 

And no this isn't the usual "OMGAWHD HOW COME THEY 'PUSH' GUYS LIKE SHAYMAHZ AND NOT GUYS LIKE TYSAHN KIDD!!!????" argument you always see on the Internet, but more of a question if this whole "PG" landscape is not only dull to the adult audience, but it also damn near kills most of the superstars' chances at gaining some real credibility.  Don't think you need to take a hell of a beating and come back for more to prove yourself to an audience?

Take this guy for example:

Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana

Colt like many a WWE superstar, is known as more of an entertainer.  But he's beloved at even the toughest of indie proving grounds because he has proven time and time again that he can fight with the best of them (take his terrific series of matches with Adam Pearce from this past year) when the time comes.  Could you see Santino Marella surviving "Seven Levels Of Hate"?

For those who are wondering, A face full of fire was only Level Six

In my closing statement I just want to reiterate that I am indeed a huge fan of the current WWE Era and Ziggler.  I'm just raising a very interesting point and as usual, I don't think any of you are going to hold back on your opinions.  So what's your take?  Do you think superstars can truly earn the respect of the adult viewers without taking some beatings like a man?  Do you think great ability far outweighs toughness?  If so, how far?  I want to hear your thoughts so let the debate begin!


  1. I miss blood! And epic brutal matches on wwe! It shouldn't be necessary to have a classic but YES, I feel like it's necessary to gain credibility and respect as a tough contender.

    1. I agree and I think we all miss blood. But yeah it's much easier to earn respect when you're willing to go to any extreme to do so.

  2. I think Zigglers bumping and selling have earned him respect enough in my book but I do see how his gimmick can hurt him. Being a show off can't get you far in wrestling but tough fighter types always suceed.

    1. Strong point about Zigg's selling. And I believe he has earned much respect that way, to an extent. But I doubt most think he's even in the top five as far as the toughest guys on the roster go.

  3. GREAT FUCKING BLOG!!!! YOU SEE WWE STOP CATERING TO THE KIDS SO MUCH. I cant wait to the game come out cuss i was a kid watching guys like SCSA and The Rock especially with blood & watching Trish bigass tits included and I turn out fine!!! These kids are SOFT today they cry if a guy like Daniel Bryan screams NO NO NO in there if its sad. WWE may be the best but that company is full of pussies now with baby oil on there body. I think they should bring back blood only at PPV's.

    1. The current "PG" idea often brings about this kind of frustration, but kids will always be kids and they will always equal money. I think the "kids" come under too much of the blame when a lot of the older fans have grown tired of the product in general. If there was still a ton of $$$ in blood/tits, believe me, that's the direction Vince would be going right now.

  4. Yea this is a good debate here. And they need to bring in guys like Seth and Dean because they love to fight and these guys today like Dolph & Cody are soft as a flower. Like back in the day you pay your due by getting your ass beat and WWE lost sight of that plus we can't forget must of the current roster are company men( HAVE NO BALLS). We need me "Men" in the WWE period, they should take a guy example Davey The American Wolf and keep him the same but just teach him the WWE storytelling.

    1. Your right true but guys like Davey won't come too WWE because its not true to the them, remember a guy named LOW-KEY (Kavel)he quit. Companys like TNA/ROH are never going anyway because yea the storylines are stupid and the pay sucks but hey they are true and happy wrestling at least and not just cutting a check. Great blog keep up the good work.

  5. Ryback and guys like that only seem tough cuz they present them that way. In all fairness its the booker who makes guys look weak.

    1. This is true a lot of the time, but still not a valid arguement. In theory, this would mean that no one would percieve Daniel Bryan as tough, as he got "buried" and still managed to hold on to his reputation. Same goes for CM Punk.

  6. You are so wrong thats like saying SCSA when he was the Ringmaster or HHH when he was Hunter Hearst back in the day when they were jobbers & nobodys the "Booker" told them hey look tough but ya gotta get ya ass beat.They got their ass beat and took it like men. Even around the time Brock was kickin ass taking names, there were still guys such as Kurt,Hollywood Rock,Badass Taker and Big Show etc. who didnt give a damn they still stood up to him like men win or lose and didnt run like cowards like this era. But you gonna tell me the "Booker" told those guys too look stuff as well!!!! Please. Face it this era is weak as well as the fans & superstars in it.

  7. Lol at the trolls. Good points man.

  8. Thanks for all the comments, everyone. All opinions are welcome.

  9. Seriously..this era doesn't suck..don't go there...BUT it does need more matches like Mick Foley vs Edge. To make a star. Theres still a lot of great things about this new "reality" era.

    1. Yeah this Era is arguably better as far as in-ring ability goes, but as far as heart and toughness, not so much. Still, a great time to be a fan as there are a multitude of potential stars on the come up.

  10. Sorry Dissolved. Girl. This Era or watever you call it the Reality Era does suck, and how can you call it that when only two guys really speak there minds which are CM Punk & Cena. Come on like Brodus Clay dropping "Pipe Bombs" every week or Santino give me a break. Im a fan don't get me wrong but honestly reality is we will never see a Mick vs Egde type of match ever and only reason why people watch is because either their loyal fans and if not only to watch Punk & Cena everybody else boring. You can't call two men an Era. Great Blog.

    1. Great point Brother. More Men More Heart More Toughness...FEED ME MORE!!!!

  11. Daniel Bryan, and Dean Ambrose are WAAYY better than 90% of attitude era stars. So to neglect to include him for the sake of trolling is ridiculous. Every period of wrestling has silly gimmicks. 90s had Gobbledygooker, Doink and many more. To each his own but at least guys now have to rely on talent and dont need ladders abd steel chairs to have a five star match. Flair never did and neither does Cm punk and Daniel bryan.

    1. You make some great points but the debate here is that yea its cool too have five star matches here there with ring-ability and storytelling true but so often that wrestler needs to be tested as far as toughness and heart which 90% this current era does not have period. You named Ric Flair a wrestling God who made the blueprint, but don't get it twisted when someone crossed that or didn't Flair would go beyond and test his toughness and heart.

    2. Great debate we all got goin. Honestly Punk,Dean and Bryan payed there dues so ya maybe these guys dont have too only because we kno there past to others may not be fair but true. True every Era has silly gimmicks we need some entertainment, and ya this era has better wrestlers than the attitude era but stone was right at least everyone was there own character as well a man. Lol a jobber such as Harecore Holly(who should be in WWE 13) would kick 80% of the current rosters ass and noone can say other wise including you Mike 3:16.

    3. In all fairness, what did Hardcore Holly ever accomplish? Being able to kick someone's ass isn't the debate here, toughness is. That's a whole different debate. I do agree that D-Bry, Ambrose, Ryback, Sheamus, Miz, Punk and others all have proven their credibility and got over in the WWE ladscape without having to bleed. It's the strongest arguement so far IMO.

  12. Dean Dean Dean. All this talk about this guy yea he's great but when he gets on the main roster...WHAT YOU ALL EXPECT TO SEE THE NEW BRIAN PILLMAN...SIKE..he will be watered down and IWC will bitch and blame WWE. Why you think hes not on the main roster now like Ant and Sandow who he should have been there before cuss they can't water him down. Face it if blood is what your looking for and not the art then don't watch WWE its not for you.

    1. Yeah, that's why I mentioned that there are alternatives like TNA and ROH for those who want a bit more. Again, thanks for the support everyone!

  13. I wish they would just let everyone in WWE be themselves and stop with the gimmicks. That would make for a much better show blood or no blood.
