CM Punk, Best In The World
Every year there are hundreds of pro wrestlers all looking to make their mark in top promotions such as WWE, TNA, NJPW and ROH, but only a select few are "must see". Let it be known that this is not a kayfabe ranking based on achievements (such as the PWI 500) nor is it determined by technical prowess alone. This list is meant to represent a wide variety of the men & women who will make wrestling worth watching in 2013 and are worth every penny you're inevitably going to spend this year. It's a chronicle of just who the most valuable performers in the world are at the time being and whether it's through in-ring excellence, entertainment value or a combination of both, these are the top 35 elite talents that make being a wrestling fan such a joy in 2013:
Number 35: Joseph Park (TNA)

The wrestler formerly known as Abyss found the secret to true longevity in the wrestling business when he reinvented himself as his half wit lawyer "brother" and instantly became one of the most enjoyable and easy to root for acts on Impact Wrestling each week. Hopefully, big things are in store for Park this year as he deserves a bit more spotlight then he's been receiving as of late.
Number 34: Damien Sandow (WWE)

Another wrestler who has changed his character for the better over the years, Damien Sandow may have the biggest upside of anyone on this list. Sure, the last decade hasn't been kind to the man once hailed by many as the future of the biz, but I think 2013 will be the year that Sandow finally delivers on that promise. With a bit more nuance and a much improved win-loss record, he may even snag a world title by year's end.
Number 33: Alberto Del Rio (WWE)
For the majority of Alberto Del Rio's heel run he hardly received much of a reaction. Now positioned as the most true blue babyface in the company, he's become the sort of Latin hero the WWE has been clamoring for since the passing of the late great Eddie Guerrero in 2005. Don't get me wrong, Del Rio is no Guerrero, but he's done a fine job at inheriting the mantle due to the fact that the next "Latino Heat" is something we've all wanted all along.
Number 32: Prince Devitt (NJPW)

Devitt has been on a steady incline as of late both in an out of the ring. The past few years he's been on a run that has resulted in some of his best work and regardless of his championship success, he can always be counted on for the highlight reels. It also doesn't hurt that he is easily one of the most likable guys in New Japan Pro Wrestling and as far is mid card players go, there are very few more well rounded and with more potential to steal the show on any given night.
Number 31: Bully Ray (TNA)

Bully Ray is one of those guys who can take nearly anything you give him and make it work. A talent like that has become quite rare and it's something every company could use right now. His promos are always worth catching and even in with the inconsistent booking TNA has become famous for, Bully almost always finds a way to turn things in his favor.
Number 30: Bray Wyatt (NXT)

The best happenings down at NXT tend to occur after the messiah of the Wyatt Family, Bray Wyatt makes an appearance. The former Husky Harris has adopted a new Cape Fear like persona and he's arguably become the best promo in the business. It's a true crime that the guy hasn't made a significant impact on the WWE's flagship programming because he's been the hidden gem of the entire roster for quite some time.
Number 29: Minoru Suzuki (NJPW)

How can you not love this guy? I know that's a bit of an ironic statement considering he's one of the biggest dickbag heels in the entire industry, but the guy has some of the most entertaining facial expressions ever and he usually delivers the goods in big time matches. From a pure character standpoint, he's one of the top two or three in any promotion.
Number 28: Bad Influence (TNA)

Our 2012 Tag Team Of The Year have been one of the most consistently entertaining duos in the sport for the majority of their time together. As far as being the best team in the world right now, they always bring the goods in the ring, but it's their ridiculously crass and over-the-top personas that drive the point home.
Number 27: Kota Ibushi (NJPW)

If you prefer a fast paced, high flying exhibition over pretty much every other style, then the man above is your new god. Sure, it's arguable that many of the of athletic superfreaks fans go crazy for on the indie scene possess a superior somersault, but none of those men have a better combination of speed, technical ability, "wow" factor and charisma than the New Japan Junior standout.
Number 26: Jeff Hardy (TNA)

In many ways Jeff Hardy has become the John Cena of TNA. A lot of people have grown tired of him and his erratic behavior in the past has divided his fanbase more than ever before. With all of this considered, he is still one of the most popular wrestlers on the planet and has proven to be more reliable than ever in the past year.
Number 25: Paige (NXT)

No other woman in professional wrestling has more potential to be a breakout star than Paige. She usually draws the loudest ovations from the NXT audience and more than likely it's due to the fact that like our number 30 pick Bray Wyatt, she is long overdue for a run on mainstream television. The British beauty has more charisma in her little finger than ninety percent of the main roster. What the hell are they are waiting for?!
Number 24: Ryback (WWE)

The hungry destroyer has become a mainstay in the WWE main event scene and is the closest thing to Goldberg we may ever see again. Is he the best wrestler on the roster? Not by a long shot, but with a guy like Ryback it ceases to matter. Sure, we often pay for WWE PPVs in hopes that there will be some form of wrestling clinic, but one thing's always certain, Ryback will toss his opponents damn near through the TV screen. And we're going to have some damn good fun watching him do it this year.
Number 23: Kana (Various)

Kana has become a bit of an enigma on the American independent scene. The world famous Joshi standout has made a select few appearances for noteworthy promotions such as Shimmer Women's Athletes and in each of those appearances, she tore the house down. Her stunning beauty and lethal kicks have made her the single most sought after female performer in the world. Given the fact that she has become the wrestling equivalent of a unicorn, you best throw down your dollar if she's ever in your area.
Number 22: El Generico (NXT)

The generic luchador has been the best wrestler on the independent scene for the past few years and has finally earned a well deserved spot in the world's largest wrestling organization. As far as entertainment value goes, he's above most of the people on this list, but one can not be sure if we'll get the Generico we know and love or if he'll be repackaged as another oddly named grappler who arrives to bland rock music. Only time will tell.
Number 21: Michael Elgin (ROH)

Michael Elgin is the indie equivalent of Ryback. He's turned in a laundry list amazing performances highlighted by feats of strength unrivaled by anyone else in the sport. His persona can use a little work, but he's become well respected as a upper mid card wrestler who can relied upon to be an outstanding main event challenger if need be. No matter what company he works for, his matches are always worth a look.
Number 20: Kurt Angle (TNA)

If you follow Kurt Angle on twitter, then one may say his 2013 will end with a trip to the mad house, but whether or not he appears to be sane doesn't change the fact that he's one of professional wrestling's true icons and a shoe-in for almost everyone's top five all time list. Sure, his body has a shitload of wear and tear and he's a half step slower than before, but seeing as his current TNA run may be his last, I think it's time we stop criticizing Kurt Angle the man and just sit back and enjoy what could be the last years of Kurt Angle the legend.
Number 19: Mark Henry (WWE)

Only just a few weeks into his return from injury, Mark Henry has already positioned himself for another epic title run. No other big man in the WWE is as effective and unbelievably quotable ("that's what I do" is the year's best new catchphrase) and no other 300+ pounder is primed for a better 2013 than the World's Strongest Man. Get your tickets to the Hall Of Pain tour while you can.
Number 18: Super Smash Brothers (PWG)

The most unique and arguably, most popular tag team on our list is composed of two of the finest entertainers on the indie scene. The combination of Player Uno & Stupefied never fail to bring an unparalleled level of excitement and they are the only performers in the sport who can whip the crowd into a riotous frenzy by just striking a pose. If you've yet to seek out any tapes from PWG, here lies one of your primary reasons to do so.
Number 17: AJ Lee (WWE)

There is unquestionably no other female performer in the world more beloved than the WWE's sexy geek goddess and biggest breakout sensation, AJ Lee. She is the most captivating WWE diva to come along since the heyday of Lita and Trish Stratus and she has gotten herself completely over even though she barely wrestled in 2012. Her 2013 looks to be even brighter and I think it's safe to say that a Divas title run is inevitable. Still, regardless of what she has in store, I'll be watching with loving eyes.
Number 16: Bobby Roode & Austin Aries (TNA)

Bobby Roode & Austin Aries were the top two wrestlers for Impact for the entirety of 2012. Now they have formed a bond through a set of common goals that culminated with a big win over Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez that saw them capture the TNA World Tag Team Championship. Sure, they're pretty much a blatant ripoff of Team Hell No, but with two guys this talented, who's really complaining.
Number 15: John Cena (WWE)

John Cena appears to be destined for another showdown with The Rock in the main event of Wrestlemania XXIX. Whether or not that statement made you giggle like an ecstatic schoolgirl or roll your eyes in disgust will determine just how much you'll enjoy the WWE's ace this year. I'm sure his spot on this list will cause as much of a polarizing response as he's grown accustomed to at live events, but being a part of what will surely be one of the more profitable matches in company history says something about Cena's resonance with fans around the world.
Number 14: Colt Cabana (Various)

Cabana is one of the most famous indie wrestlers in the world and even if you've only got $15-20 to your name, there aren't many better ways to spend it than on a show headlined by Mr. "Boom Boom" himself. Aside from being the most versatile competitor in the sport, his Art Of Wrestling podcast is the best wrestling program on the net and his positive, fun loving attitude have made him the sport's most approachable and beloved ambassador.
Number 13: Antonio Cesaro (WWE)

Cesaro is the kind of old school heel the WWE has been missing for more than a decade now. His mic skills are steadily improving and his anti-American persona makes him one of wrestling's best heat magnets. Not to mention that he's one of the most impressive strongmen in the biz and can be credited for making the previously stale United States Championship interesting again.
Number 12: Rachel Summerlyn (ACW)

The pride of Anarchy Championship Wrestling is the best up and coming wrestler in the world even though she has yet to even make a major impact outside of her home base in Texas. To think that she has created the level off buzz she currently has with the humble amount of exposure she's received is downright scary. Hell downright scary may be the best way to describe Summerlyn's in-ring persona. Breaking gender barriers and faces alike, she is the most "must see" female grappler on the planet right now. Get familiar.
Number 11: The Shield (WWE)

The future of the WWE lies in the hands of three outlaws who appear to have every intention of tearing the place apart from the inside out. The agents of order have yet to reach their full potential and are still already three of the most captivating men in the entire company. Their performance at TLC was the breakthrough of the year in 2012 and now they're set to face three of the biggest stars in the company at Elimination Chamber. Not bad for a group of guys who debuted only three months ago.
Number 10: Dolph Ziggler (WWE)

It's been a hell of a long journey for Dolph Ziggler. It took him the better half of a decade to shake his "Spirit Squad" stigma and earn credibility as a legitimate main event superstar, but he's finally there and once he breaks through the proverbial glass ceiling, the sky's the limit. From where I sit, he's still the best in-ring performer in the WWE and once he cashes in that MITB contract, his world title run should be one of the year's true highlights.
Number 9: Kazuchika Okada (NJPW)

Okada is my personal favourite wrestler on the planet right now and if you ask any avid fan of the wrestling scene in Japan, they'll likely heap the same amount of praise on him. No other wrestler has made such a mind boggling transition from complete sucktard to absolute master of the universe in just one year and he's truly become one of the elite wrestlers in any promotion. I know guys who get this much hype rarely live up to the potential, but trust me when I tell you, he is the fucking man.
Number 8: The Young Bucks (Various)

You can often catch the dynamic high flyers competing for top indie feds like Chikara and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla where they can usually be counted on to steal the show. After having a bit of a love-hate relationship with the Bucks in years prior, 2012 made me a true believer. In the ring, there is absolutely no team in the world as awe-inspiring and quite simply, gives you more bang for your buck.
Number 7: Chris Jericho (WWE)

Jericho is two for two in stellar singles matches since his latest return and it's beyond amazing how the guy comes in for a few months of the year and still manages to be better than 95 percent of the active roster. Put him in there with nearly anyone and they leave ten times better than they were when they stepped in there with him. Most of this is because of the fact that Y2J is like an arena band with an endless catalog of hits. Hits that like the performer, are timeless.
Number 6: ACH (ACW)

If you take the time to seek out anyone on this list, please PLEASE let it be ACH. This guy is like watching a Mortal Kombat character come to life. Everyone who has already viewed an ACH match is left in absolute awe as their eyes pop and jaw hits the floor at the level of supernatural athleticism before them. And If that last sentence doesn't at the very least make you curious, then I don't know what else to say.
Number 5: Kevin Steen (ROH)

The best and by far most marketable hardcore wrestler today is also one of the best overall performers in the world. Steen is an innovator in every sense of the word and has broken every stereotype leveled against him. He's fat, mean and walks about as if he gives absolutely no fucks about the safety or well being of anyone (including himself). What's not to love?
Number 4: Shinsuke Nakamura (NJPW)

I had previously said in my last NJPW PPV review that if I could only watch the matches of one wrestler this year, it'd be Shinsuke Nakamura. This is not because he's the best wrestler or entertainer in the biz (even though he's in the upper tier in both categories), but rather due to the fact that there is no persona in pro wrestling that is more fun to watch. He rules just by existing.
Number 3: Daniel Bryan (WWE)

From a pure mat wrestling perspective, Daniel Bryan is untouchable. That's something every smart wrestling fan has known for over a decade now. What no one could have predicted is that he'd become the best and most consistent entertainer in a company that is way over capacity when it comes to personalities. It's like the nerdy kid everyone used to pick on suddenly became the coolest guy in school all the while still getting the best grades. He's the prom king and valedictorian all jammed into one short, scruffy, mad genius of a wrestler. Not even the powers that be could hold him back at this point. The universe has spoken. And this will be Bryan's year.
Number 2: Hiroshi Tanahashi (NJPW)

Everything professional wrestling should be is represented by the current run Hiroshi Tanahashi has been on the last few years. NJPW is the sport's hottest product and the current renaissance is championed by the man who has turned in one exemplary performance after another. In the ring, there is no wrestler that is more worth your hard earned dollar than Tanahashi. No other performer can be counted on more often in big match situations and perhaps only Shawn Miachaels can lay claim to having done it better and with more pinache. Great wrestlers are praised for the rate at which they can turn in a classic match. With Tanahashi, it's a gurantee.
Number 1: CM Punk (WWE)

CM Punk is the most valuable performer in wrestling today. Of the other men in the top five, you can argue that Tanahashi is the bigger draw, Bryan is the better wrestler, Nakamura has more charisma or that Steen has more edge, but what's undeniable is that no man has a better combination of all these traits than the best in the world. It's no longer a catchphrase, it's a fact. Add in that for the entire decade thus far he's been the best mic worker by a longshot. Mix that in with his incredible elevation of the WWE title and the overall manner in which he practically single handedly made the WWE awesome again, and what we have here is the face of wrestling as a whole in 2013. Love him or hate him (yes, some people do), he's still the king.
Phenomenal list. Wrestling is in good hands this year.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. I enjoyed writing this perhaps more than anything else I've done. Thanks for reading.
DeleteWow! Great fucking list :-O! Loved every minute reading that.
ReplyDeleteHaha I love the enthusiasm. Much appreciated.
DeleteCan you recommend some ACH match?
ReplyDeleteSure. Check out my latest post.
DeleteWow....just wow you are very good best blogsite in the world right now.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the praise. And thanks for reading.
DeleteThis is one of the best articles I've read in a long time. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the support!